This week’s blog is from Lilly, who travelled to Kenya with us to volunteer at our partner school, St Trizah. Read about her experience below…
Before I left, I was terrified. I thought I would get homesick and was worried I wouldn’t get along with everyone or would feel too out of my comfort zone. But none of that ever happened. In fact, Kenya has become my favourite core memory.
Volunteering at St Trizah school was such a heart-warming experience. On one of our first days, a friend and I taught a biology lesson – all about the human body. It was our first time teaching children and we couldn’t have asked for a better class. They were enthusiastic, asking questions and all copying our drawings. I remember so clearly their laughs and smiles as we danced and sang along to the ‘head, shoulders, knees, and toes’ song.
I didn’t realise it at the time, but Thursday 21st July was the best day of my life. We spent the afternoon playing games with all of the children. Their faces lit up at the smallest of things; skipping ropes, footballs and bubbles, which was their favourite. I spent what felt like hours giving them all piggybacks and playing games. I felt so present and in the moment, it reminded me of when I used to do that when I was younger. I hope that everyone gets to experience this type of feeling at least once in their life.

The next day we gave out the donations. After organising them into piles and ensuring every pupil would have at least two items to take home, we were ready to give them out. I remember them queueing so patiently behind one another, excited to see what they’d get. There was no competition for who got the best clothes or toys, they were all just so grateful and ecstatic with what they got.
On the last day, we were amazed to see so many of the children wearing the new clothes they’d just been given.
Just when I thought the trip couldn’t get any better, we went on a safari weekend as part of our adventure activity. We saw four out of the big five, and I got to see my favourite animal – cheetahs. Seeing them in their natural habitat was such a rare experience, and like nothing compared to the zoos and safaris we have back home.
African Adventures really lived up to its name and provided me with the adventure of a lifetime.