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You might have seen that we’ve recently launched our ‘Zero Hunger This Summer’ fundraising campaign, which aims to fund feeding programmes for the children who attend our partner schools over the summer. 

But why is this campaign important, where does the idea of ‘Zero Hunger’ come from, and what exactly are we trying to achieve? Read on to find out…

Why is this campaign important?

Whilst restrictions in the UK may be easing, this is not the case in other countries. As things here begin to improve, we think it’s important to remember those who are less fortunate. 

With volunteers from the UK currently unable to travel to Africa, our partner schools have been left without the essential funding they would normally receive through our volunteer programme. 

Without additional financial help, they won’t be able to continue running the vital feeding programmes that so many children – and their families – rely on. For some children, the meal they receive at school might be the only one they have each day.

This is where you come in. We’re asking anyone who is able to donate to help us bridge the financial gap over the summer, until our volunteer programmes can restart, and achieve Zero Hunger at our partner schools.

£15 can feed 30 children at one of our partner schools for one week.

£20 can fund a feeding programme at one of our partner schools for one day. 

£60 could feed a class of 30 children at our partner schools for one month. 

Our partner schools urgently need extra help to enable them to continue running their feeding programmes.

What do we mean by ‘Zero Hunger’?

Zero Hunger is one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are a set of 17 global goals which aim to create a better and more sustainable future for all by the year 2030. 

The SDGs include objectives such as ending poverty, ensuring a quality education for all, achieving gender equality and taking urgent action to combat climate change. 

The goal of Zero Hunger aims to end hunger around the world, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.

What are we trying to achieve? 

As a signatory to the United Nations’ Global Compact, we’ve committed to helping to advance the Sustainable Development Goals through our work. 

The United Nations Global Compact is a call to companies around the world, of all sizes, to align their strategies with universal principles on human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. By signing the Global Compact, companies are encouraged to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to help advance the SDGs. 

Through this fundraising campaign, we’re aiming to advance the goal of Zero Hunger, and achieve food security for the children at our partner schools, by providing funding for feeding programmes over the summer. 

To donate to our Zero Hunger This Summer campaign, please click here.

Alternatively, to donate £10, text MEALAPPEAL to 70085 (texts cost £10 plus your standard message charge).

Thank you for your support.

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