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Guest Blog| Luke, Derby County Community Trust

In May I went on my seventh trip to Kenya with Derby County Community Trust (DCCT) to volunteer at the schools in Nakuru. It…

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Resolutions Recommendations – 2020 Youth Development Programme

2020 is set to be an exciting time, especially if you’re aged between 16-19. The start of a new decade offers you the chance to think about what you want to accomplish in order to make this pivotal period of your life the best – and most memorable - it can be.

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Christmas Meal Appeal – thank you for your generosity!

In 2019, your generous donations to the Christmas Meal Appeal amounted to an amazing £2,149.78! Read on to see some of the best party photos we received from our partner projects.

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How do we ensure you have a safe trip when travelling with us?

When you travel with us, your safety is our top priority. Over the past 10 years we have organised trips for over 6,000 volunteers, and have learnt a thing or two about how to deliver a trip that’s safe, exciting, and memorable - for all the right reasons!

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Gap Year to ‘Gap Yeah’ with the Youth Development Programme

Many young people opt to go on gap years before they start further education or enter full-time employment. If you’re aged between 16-19 and are considering taking some time out to travel next year, we think our Youth Development Programme (YDP) could be the perfect opportunity for you.

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Dedzidi School needs your support – will you donate to Brick by Brick?

As the end of October draws nearer, we are imploring all of our supporters and volunteers, past and present, to donate to Brick by Brick. The more money raised, the more support we will be able to provide to guarantee the hundreds of children at Dedzidi access to a better education.

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UN Goals Uncovered: Part One

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are a ‘blueprint’ to resolve global issues. The goals have since grown to encompass 17 initiatives which uphold and promote the UNGC's 10 universally accepted principles.

Are you ready for an African Adventure?